Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Articles Included In My Local Newspaper

Over the past week I have tried taking various interesting pictures in the Eastcote area which I would be able to create articles from. Bearing in mind my local newspaper is aimed towards a younger audience, I can not use all the conventional topics used in the local newspapers I have researched as they do not appeal to them. From my questionaire I know that my target audience is mainly interested in sports, music, events, interesting events, fashion and celebrities, which are mainly topics included in national newspapers. When taking pictures I have kept this in mind, yet I dont feel all my pictures will interest a younger audience as I havent been able to take pictures related to these topics, therefore I will carry on taking pictures which I feel will appeal and interest a younger audience more.

Here are the pictures I have taken so far:

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

First page Local Newspaper Flat Plan

I made this flatplan to give me an idea of how I would like the first page of my local newspaper to look. I used the local newspaper "Ham&High"to show me the conventions and where to place them. I wish to use conventions such as the contents page, the "Welcome" to the newspaper and various headlines which are included inside, such as the boss of the local supermarket taking on the new role at the theatre, problems at the local GP, a murder of a wealthy man, residents complaining, campaign in the local area, an event in the area, local meeting for the issue of the little number of school places in the area, a photography exhibition, history shown of the area in the local Literary and Scientific Institution, a walking tour to see fungi, a tour of insects in the area and an Art exhibiton.

Flat plan for Local Newspaper Front Cover

I made this flat plan to give me an idea of how i would like my local newspaper to look, I have added the conventions of the newspaper and used the local newspaper "Ham&High" as guideline, I have used typical conventions such as Masthead, Head line, Advertisements etc. I don't wish to copy this exact layout as I feel this is seems quite cramped, especially as my newspaper is aimed towards a younger audience I feel leaving more space between articles will appeal to a younger audience more as it is simpler to understand.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Reviewing Newspaper Articles

I have started to review newspaper articles, mainly paying attention to what is included.


These are the five most important points which need to be used when writing a newspaper to give the audience a full understanding what the article is about. My teacher pointed out an interesting discovery that if you were to read each first sentence of each paragraph of an article, you are able to find out each one of these points as they are straight to the point giving information about the article.

I read an article called "Faiths stand together to shelter rough sleepers" from the local newspaper "Ham&High". The first sentence of the article is straight to the point, "A church and a synagogue will be throwing their doors open to welcome homeless people this winter to tackle a growing problem in the area". This sentence tells us where, who and what the article is about, being the synagogue and church welcoming homeless people. "The rise i rough sleepers in Golders Green has been put down to the area's transport hubs being used by those leaving the country via Stanstead and Luton airports", this first sentence of the next paragraph gives us more information of where the article is, and why this has happened. "Now Alyth Gardens Synagogue and Golders Green Parish Church have joined up with homeless Action in Barnet (HAB) to offer beds for the  night on their premises", this sentence of the next paragraph gives us more information about the services Church and Synagogues are giving to homeless people and the organisation they have joined with. "The Rev Rex Morton, from the Church in West Drive, said: "We recognise that homelessness in Golders Green is an issue. Its constantly a feature here. There are many people who live on the street and are struggling", this next sentence of the following paragraph tells us  exactly who one of the main people in the article is and his views towards homeless people. "Some of them have mental health issues and others are immigrants who have come to the UK to work and have fallen through the cracks", this next first sentence of the following paragraph continuous to express the Reverend views. "Mr Morton said the problem was largely caused by Golders Green Tube and bus station, saying: "We are currently a hub - you can travel in different directions", this next sentence tells us the cause of the increasing amount of homeless people in further depth and why it has happened. "The recession has now hit us hard. There are people who are struggling to get that first rug on the ladder", again this sentence is giving us more information as to why the amount of homeless people has increased. "He said he regularly has one or two people a week knock on the church's door asking for money, food or a place to sleep", this sentence gives  us information as to what the Church has experienced. "HAB will refer homeless people to the synagogue and church in January and February", telling readers what will happen in the future of the Synagogue and Church helping with homeless people. She said "The current situation in London with immigrants has caused a rise in homelessness as allot of them don't have anywhere else to live", showing the sympathy the Church and Synagogue have towards homeless people. "Rabbi Mark Goldsmith, of Alyth Gardens Synagogue, said "We are looking forward to working across two faiths to create a home and its very special this project is getting started during the Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) which commemorated the years that Jews spent in the desert on their way to The Promise Land", this sentence gives us more information who is involved in this project and the importance of when it is happening. "A really important message of this festival is the precariousness of the shelter we live under", giving more information about the importance of this project. "I think we are quite insulated in our community. We know a number of people sleep outside in all weathers - people who we pass on the street on the way to the station", this sentence is trying to make the readers more aware of homeless people and the lives they have to live, and potentially trying to make readers take more action about the matter. "One of the things I think will happen during this project is that we will get to know the people who live amongst us", this sentence gives the readers an idea of what the Church and Synagogue are trying to accomplish and get out of the project by the end.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Final Newspaper Idea

My final desicion for my Newspaper Title is:

I feel this would be the best Newspaper Title to use for my local Newspaper which is aimed towards a young audience as 

Questionaire for Newpsaper Title

I gave out a questionaire of six different samples of Newspaper titles which I made. I gave out this questionaire to my Media class who are mostly 17/18 year olds, which is my target audience, therefore this will give me the right idea of what Newspaper Title would appeal to this age group.

Here are the results:

After discussing my two most popular choices with other students in my Media class, some of them gave me suggestions of how I can change the Titles with colour, size and boldness. Many of them said they prefer the blue and black combination as the red and black is so commonly used in newspapers, therefore I will keep the blue and black combination.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

After giving my newspaper title more thought, I decided "Eastcote Echo" seems quite mainstream. I feel as I am trying to aim my newspaper towards a younger audience the title should be more unique and eye catching. I've been discussing the name of the newspaper with my teacher, and came up with the idea of using the postcode of the area as the title, which would be HA6. I feel this will appeal more towards a younger audience as young people often relate to there postcode, especially in London.

Here are some potential titles, i experimented with fonts and sizes to see which one would be the best option to attract my target audience for the newspaper.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Newspaper Title

Judging by my research which I made for a 17/18 year olds, I feel the best choice would be to use "Eastcote Echo" as it was the most popular In this age group which is also my target audience.