Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Developing My Newspaper

Front cover

I have been developing my first page and front cover using Indesign. After creating the design of where I would like to place my pictures, headlines etc. I added in placeholder text, to give an idea of how the newspaper will look once I have written my articles and headlines. I also added pictures and advertisements which some I have taken myself and will use in my Final newspaper and others I found on the internet to give an idea of how the newspaper will look.

First page

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

First Page Flat Plan

I created this flat plan as a guide to where I would like to place the advertisements, pictures, mastheads etc. for when I'm creating my final Front cover of the newspaper. I used my research of conventions from other local newspapers to create this. Paying attention to the measurement's of the bleed and slug and columns.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Making the first page of my local newspaper

I have used the page measurements as I did with the front cover from the newspaper, yet added five coloums instead of four:

Here is a mock up of how I would like the first page of my local newspaper to look:

I especially liked the way the "Ham&High" local newspaper designed there first page as they show each main article included in the newspaper including lead ins to show which show readers which page to turn to to read the full article. The black boxes indicate where images or advertisements are places, I would personally perhaps include more images as this appeals more towards a younger audience and is also more tabloid like, which is what i am aiming for . In the first column they have put a contents with a list of different articles included and also a "regulars"section which includes different topics such as music, theatre, books, films etc with the page numbers for each places next to them.

Making the front cover of my local newspaper

I have starting working on Indesign to create my local newspaper, these are the page measurements I used:

Here is a mock up of the way I would like the front cover of my newspaper to be layed out:

 I have used the local newspaper "Ham&High" as a guide as to how to layout my newspaper. I measured the gaps between each article as well as the bleed and slug and then used these measurements. I would like to design my local newspaper similar to this layout yet changing a few things around as I feel this layout is slightly cramped and include more images and puffs too make it seem more tabloid like.