Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Getting Feedback From My Local Newspaper

I created a questionnaire using word asking the following questions:

Name: Amirah Dunwell Age: 17

1. By glancing at the front cover, would you read this local newspaper?
Yes, the colours and fonts attract my attention.
2. Who do you think its aimed at?
3. Do you think young people would read it?
Yes, the articles about gangs and TOWIE are ones I ones I would read about.
4. What don’t you like about it?
I don't like Keith Lemmon, this is off putting.
5. What do you like about it?
The colour scheme, that the articles are aimed at me, they look interesting.
6. Do you think it’s a reasonable price?
50p is a brilliant price, although I'd prefer to read it for free online.
7. Do you think it looks professional?
8. What changes would you make?
Make the article font bigger.

Name: Katie Wyman Age: 18

1. By glancing at the front cover, would you read this local newspaper?
Potentially, I do not regularly read papers, but this catches my eye.
2. Who do you think its aimed at?
A specific neighbourhood or area. Also remind me of papers specific to a small town.
3. Do you think young people would read it?
 No, I would imagine them reading something inline, or possible following the twitter.
4. What don’t you like about it?
I have no real interest about the HA6 area, I think the advertisements could have been better resolution. The title font does not appeal to me but that doesn't mean its a ad font, the articles look compressed.
5. What do you like about it?
The photos chosen are clear and attention grabbing, advertisements seem appropriate. I especially like the links to twitter and the app (how images are at an angle). Headlines are clear and to the point.
6. Do you think it’s a reasonable price?
It seems reasonable, but I cant say I would pay the price, depends how thick the paper is (and would news become old after a month?)
7. Do you think it looks professional?
Yes, it reminds me of papers I have seen in  passing.
8. What changes would you make?
Use one font type the whole way through )and colour variation to gain attention), page numbers, thin article collumns, higher resolution for adverts.

Name: Rufus Age:17

1. By glancing at the front cover, would you read this local newspaper?

2. Who do you think its aimed at?

3. Do you think young people would read it?
4. What don’t you like about it?
(Left blank)
5. What do you like about it?
The structure.
6. Do you think it’s a reasonable price?
7. Do you think it looks professional?
8. What changes would you make?
I don't like the shot of the empty charity shop.

Name: Gabriel Age:17

1. By glancing at the front cover, would you read this local newspaper?
2. Who do you think its aimed at?
3. Do you think young people would read it?
4. What don’t you like about it?
The font of the writing in the articles.
5. What do you like about it?
It looks professional and easy to read.
6. Do you think it’s a reasonable price?
Yes, too cheap if anything.
7. Do you think it looks professional?
8. What changes would you make?
The font.

Name: Ben Age:18

1. By glancing at the front cover, would you read this local newspaper?
2. Who do you think its aimed at?
12-24 years olds.
3. Do you think young people would read it?
4. What don’t you like about it?
It isn't very formal for a local newspaper, looks like a fun paper to read.
5. What do you like about it?
Looks fun to read.
6. Do you think it’s a reasonable price?
Yes, very.
7. Do you think it looks professional?
8. What changes would you make?
Change some of the fonts used.

Name: Joshua Crocker Age: 18

1. By glancing at the front cover, would you read this local newspaper?
Yes I would.
2. Who do you think its aimed at?
Younger members of the public, specifically teenagers.
3. Do you think young people would read it?
Most would.
4. What don’t you like about it?
I don't like the font of the masthead, I find it slightly childish.
5. What do you like about it?
The articles and their story.
6. Do you think it’s a reasonable price?
Too expensive, should be 25p.
7. Do you think it looks professional?
8. What changes would you make?
The masthead font.

Name: Sam Mcdowall Age: 17

1.  By glancing at the front cover, would you read this local newspaper?
2. Who do you think its aimed at?
Young people.
3. Do you think young people would read it?
4. What don’t you like about it?
Masthead font.
5.What do you like about it?
Layout, ads and articles.
6. Do you think it’s a reasonable price?
7. Do you think it looks professional?
8. What changes would you make?
Price should be more visible.

Name: Max Age: 18

1. By glancing at the front cover, would you read this local newspaper?
2. Who do you think its aimed at?
20-30 year olds.
3. Do you think young people would read it?
Young people
4. What don’t you like about it?
(Left blank)
5. What do you like about it?
Phone app advertised.
6. Do you think it’s a reasonable price?
7. Do you think it looks professional?
8. What changes would you make?
(Left blank)

Overall I am happy and satisfied with my feedback, it is clear that my problem is the masthead font and text font which did not appeal to everyone. I think I could experiment more and look at other fonts I could use which would perhaps appeal more towards my target audience. Everyone seems to think the newspaper looks professional and it would appeal to them which I am very happy about. 

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