Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Local and National Newspaper differences

Local Newspaper values: The main difference between local and national newspapers are the articles and information included in the newspaper. The main article and other articles included are based on the different events that have happened in the local area that week or day. The articles included would not be interesting or important to someone reading a local newspaper who is not part of that specific local community. This also applies to the advertisements  included in local newspapers, such as local businesses which would mainly interest the local community.

National Newspaper values: National Newspapers values are to include news stories from across the country and advertisements which will apply to a national audience as well. The main article would be the biggest event or story currently going on, the sports and weather section would apply to the overall country, where as in a local newspaper both these sections would only apply to the local area.

What difference in bias do local and national newspapers have?

Because local newspapers have a much smaller audience than national newspapers. There opinion in there articles are mostly not bias, as they are trying to please and agree with the opinion of there audience. For example for the death of a young boy who took drugs, a local newspaper will show sympathy and write how upset the family is etc, whereas a national newspaper will

What can a local newspaper function as? 
Apart from information about events in the local area and other information. Some include "noticeboards" giving comments on there views of certain articles, or criticising the newspaper in some way they could improve. Another function are the advertisements, local businesses may depend on there local newspaper to advertise there company.

Here is an example as advertisements
 included in a local newspaper:

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